This book is in URDU language which is based on Dajjal and his Army Jewish who is waiting for false Masih Dajjal their plans has been started, and we are presently leving in the generation of Dajjal and Lucifer, it is their proaganda an they have a aim to make muslims as disbelive ALLAH our Prophet(PUBH) has warned us for about the Dajjal and Their Belife for Lucifers which called Illuminatis they represent the Lucifer if you read this book you will understand.
Signs of his coming
Hadith attributed to Muhammad give many signs of the appearance of the Dajjal, and exhorted his followers to recite the first and last ten verses of Sura Al-Kahf, as protection from the trials and mischief of the Dajjal.
The following signs are ascribed to Ali in the coming of Dajjal
- People will stop offering the prayers
- Dishonesty will be the way of life
- Falsehood will become a virtue
- People will mortgage their faith for worldly gains
- Usury and bribery will become legitimate
- Imbeciles would rule over the wise
- Blood of innocents would be shed
- Pride will be taken on acts of oppression
- The rulers will be corrupt
- The scholars will be hypocrites
- Adultery will be rampant
- The liars and treacherous will be respected
- There will be acute famine at the time
- There will be no shame amongst people
- Children would challenge their mothers
- Youngsters would perform marital relationship with their parents
- Many people would worship Satan
- There would be no respect for elder people
- Homo-sexuality